
bentley projects

Yesterday was a great day. I went with my friend Jodi and visited a salvage yard, mostly she explored the area looking for junk for her art and I took photos. This is the first time that I have used my two and a quarter since at least 2003. It is going to be a difficult transition because this cameras lens sees the world so differently that I do. Perhaps the real question here is if I see the world like a pinhole camera or as the super wide lens does or have I just trained myself to see in this way over the past three years?

We also stopped by the Bentley Projects which is one of my favorite galleries in all of Phoenix. I love the space and the diversity of the work they show there. Two paintings that caught my eye were by Jill Moser. They were abstracts on canvas but the surface was smooth without any of the canvas showing through. Some brush strokes were solid and others were as if water had created a bleed and soften them into a blur. Her image above is Silver Lining, 2007.

While Jodi and I had lunch one of my students Kari ran into us and we found out that she is now working in the gallery. It was great to see her in a great position being able to utilize all of her visual talent and design skills. She added us to her mailing list to keep us informed of all the good shows coming up.

Now to focus on my paper . . .