OK . . . so I am back and trying to get all my ducks in a row. I feel like I am making progress but wish that I could have finished more of my goals this past weekend.
I met with my new advisor Betsy Schneider at ASU last week and have the paperwork ready to send to Louise this week. We had an excellent talk and I will be meeting with her every 3-4 weeks. We discussed the feedback I received at the residency and she supported me working for the next three weeks in shooting everything and anything. Then we will review to look at what comes from this work. It seems she and Jan are encouraging me to go into the same direction.
Betsy also told me about a show going on at the Tilt Gallery with Tracy Longley-Cooks work. Tracy has the reputation of being a great photographer and educator and I have attempted to hire her a term or two ago to teach Photography at Scottsdale Community College, unfortunately the course times didn't work out. I loved her show Bearing Still. She had a number of images that reminded me of what I try to do with my work, giving a ground for which the viewer can interpret their own story. They were large images, some were encaustic giving a sense of depth without being seen like very thick emulsion. Sometimes the encaustic started to cloud the image and it supported the feeling of memory. A few were presented backlit and floating away from the wall. Her image above is Clearing, Digital pigment print on birch panel with encaustic, 2006.
I have a list of paperwork yet to complete:
• Plan or outline for this terms work
• Summary paper
• Bibliography
And of course now that I have my camera out and have film
Shoot, shoot, shoot!