brace-stille, quiet
rachel brace-stille
Constantly in motion, her work ever evolving, Rachel Brace-Stille completed her Master’s in Fine Art at The Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University, January 2010. In the last decade, her pursuit has been to embrace the creative process into her everyday life while practicing all essential qualities of a fine artist.
"Through the devices of photographs and three-dimensional objects, Rachel probes the psychological dimensions of a life sutured together from a troubled childhood to a difficult adulthood. The photographic images typically describe physical limitations, while the sculptures take as their starting point, everyday objects that are rendered mute and dysfunctional. The mood is silent and somewhat tortured, yet because of their beauty and familiarity, her objects (which occupy her more these days than photography) are immensely compelling."
–Jan Avgikos, contributing editor of ArtForum
Julian Cox, photography curator at the High Museum of Art in Atlanta, said Brace-Stille's work combines “beauty and psychological content in delicate balance.” Her images in Kallitype and Carbon are highlighted in the second edition of The Book of Alternative Photographic Processes (Delmar Thomson, NY) by Christopher James, who writes that Brace-Stille’s images are “consistently rich in content and expression.”
Simultaneously as she creates her art, she shares her experience with others through demonstrations, workshops, and international education tours, providing students opportunities to participate in unique learning environments.