“We shall not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started... and know the place for the first time.” T S Elliot
I traveled back to Michigan to reconnect with my family and to continue to create images for my upcoming residency. During this time I finished the last of my paperwork and academic requirements for the term and then returned home to finish printing and packing for the beginning of my travels this summer. I will have ten flights over six weeks of travel starting with twelve days in Boston followed by five days in Albuquerque, and ending with twenty-one days in Michigan.
I have successfully finished my first term at AIB. Right now I am slowly digesting all the feedback I received from the AIB faculty, students, and friends. I have to say with this residency the feedback I received is leading me in conflicting directions. In the end if I am to be passionate about what I create I will have to hear my own voice emerge from all others.